If you are a first time visitor, Welcome! We want you to feel comfortable when you first visit our church. Stay after the service and join us for coffee, snacks, and fellowship downstairs; we'd like to get to know you.
Where is the church located? 1115 Combie Road, Meadow Vista,CA 97522 What time are the services? 10:00 am Sunday mornings, both in-person and online. Link to live-stream is on the home page. Is there Sunday school? During the school year, we have Sunday School for pre-k through 5th grade during worship. Adults meet for an education hour at 9 am on most Sundays. Please check the calendar. (Button at bottom of page) What should I wear? Dress is mostly casual with people wearing clothing ranging from shorts and nice shirts to dresses, slacks, and collared shirts. What options are there for children during the worship service? Children are always welcome in worship. After worship begins, children in 2nd grade and younger have the option of going downstairs for a time of fellowship and fun during the adult sermon time, or staying upstairs with their family. Is there music? Yes. Our worship services are a blend of traditional liturgy and modern experiential components. We strive to design worship that speaks to people of all generations and church experiences. Musically, we incorporate various instruments and vocal ensembles, as well as music from the past and the present. We understand worship to be a place where the past, present and future come together as we hear the Word and celebrate the Sacraments in the name of Jesus Christ. Are gluten-free wafers available for communion? The communion bread is gluten-free.