Grades 5 yrs old through 5th gradeAugust - May, 10 am
(Please check calendar for schedule updates.) With the help of parents and our childcare workers, our youngsters are learning how to love God and one another. Each week, their time together is centered on the scripture text that is being preached on that morning during worship. Through story and activities the children are building a foundation for a life a faith. The kids start their morning in the sanctuary with their families. After "kids time" they travel with adult leaders over to the education building. After a time of learning they return to the sanctuary with the older youth going upstairs to participate in communion and those in 2nd grade and younger can go downstairs for supervised playtime or return to worship with their families. |
Teens (grades 6-12)Youth in 6th-12th grades are encouraged to join in the worship leadership. Practice for this happens during the Sunday School hour. Please contact Janine Dexter for more information.
Our youth group a couple times each month. Check this page for more information: Youth Group ConfirmationOur Lutheran confirmation class is a three-year study for junior high/high schoolers. Participants study God’s Word using Luther’s Small Catechism as their guide. Students study key Bible texts and explanations for major components of the faith. For more information contact Pastor Charlane at [email protected] or 530-878-1870.