Our core beliefs are rooted in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. We strive to follow his example of loving all people, serving those in need, and creating a community that is open to all people, no exceptions.
The Hebrew and Christian Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) are our foundational texts for study and inspiration. We believe the Bible to be a book of faith that provides a witness to us of the many ways God has been at work in the world in the past and the promises that God has given us for our lives today.
Worship is at the center of our life together. We gather to praise God, hear the Word proclaimed, and celebrate the sacraments of Holy Communion and Baptism. Our worship is liturgical, meaning that it follows a pattern of worship that asks all present to participate as one community through spoken responses, prayers, and singing. To see one of our worship services, check out our youtube channel: Faith Lutheran Church of Meadow Vista
We are a Reconciling in Christ congregation which means that we not only welcome everyone, but we affirm who they have been created to be. To learn more about Reconciling Works, our denominational program of welcome please visit this website: Reconciling Works
We are part of a larger denominational body, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. To find out more about the ELCA, please visit this website: www.elca.org
Our Mission, Vision, Values, and Welcome Statement, can all be found here: MVV
Please reach out to us with any questions. Thank you for taking time to learn more about Faith Lutheran Church!