The Church Council has general oversight of the life and activities of this congregation. They meet monthly to discuss and make decisions regarding the business of the church, including, but not limited to budget, staff, and property. Their guide for decision making is rooted in Scripture and further informed by the mission of Faith Lutheran and the faith and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Council Members for 2024 Steve Bennett, President Tom Elmore, member-at-large Karen Idler, member-at-large Amanda Hawkins, Vice-President Janis Kern, member-at-large Georgia Ordoñez, youth member-at-large Lisa Achen, Treasurer John Van Auker, member-at-largePastor Charlane, ex-oficio Betty Noreen, Secretary Becky Stonestreet, member-at-large
Council minutes are uploaded to this site after having been approved at the following meeting. (i.e. September minutes are not uploaded until approval at October meeting, etc.) Any questions regarding content of council minutes should be directed to the church council.
Council Meeting Minutes 2024 Jan -Council Meeting Jan- Annual meeting May September Feb June October March July November April August December