WED 9/11 7:00 pm Youth Group—Wheaties Box THUR 9/12 9:00 am Bible Study—Wheaties Box 1:00 pm Breakfast for Lunch—Sweetpea's/Auburn SUN 9/15 9:00 am Adult Ed—Wheaties Box
10:00 am WORSHIP
w/ Sunday School (K-4) immediately following Kids Time
Kitchen Blessing and Taco Bar downstairs after Worship In-person OR live stream at @ Faith Lutheran Church Meadow Vista. 11:15 am Prayer & Healing Ministry Mtg—Wheaties Box TUE 9/17 6:00 pm Road to Recovery—Wheaties Box
Wednesday September 11
7 pm Wheaties Box
(6th grade - High School)
Pizza and Ice Cream!! Also fellowship and a fall activity. Aubree will be presenting all the details about the 30-hour Famine (which is coming up in October). Bring a friend! Be there!
THIS SUNDAY September 15
right after worship, everyone is invited downstairs for a time of gratitude and fellowship as we bless the restored kitchen and fellowship area. There will be a full Taco Bar with all the fixin's. Don't fret if you were not able to contribute anything - please join us!
Thanks to all who participated last Sunday!
PASTOR SEARCH UPDATE Megan from the Bishop's Office will be here Sunday September 22 and will make a brief presentation right after worship.
OKTOBERFEST September 28
5-7:30 pm Fireside Room
You're invited! Sunday October 6
after worship for a 20-minute Q&A offered by the Prayer and Healing Ministry. Why? To answer any questions you may have about our P&H Ministers and the P&H Ministry. Important: attendance will not be interpreted as an offer to volunteer. This is strictly a Q&A session. What is it like to pray with a prayer minister? How do they know how to pray for my concerns? What is anointing like? Why do we offer anointing prayers? What is it like to be a prayer minister? Is there training? How much time does it take and when do they meet? These questions, and more, will be answered on Sunday 10/6 by members of this ministry.
We’d love to provide answers!
for more info: Mark A, Tom E, Sharon H, Julie H, Ann L, Ron M, Betty N, Gail D
Rob O is home and continuing to recover from surgery.
If you can help support him by bringing a simple meal, please use the link below or contact Cam at 530-277-6968. For help delivering, contact Cam or the office.
The Season of Creation is a series of Sundays in September when we emphasize God’s creation in our worship and life together. Our music, preaching, liturgy, service and art will explore gratitude for the natural world, and our call as Christians to honor and care for creation.
If you'd like ideas for moving beyond Sunday Worship in your care of creation, you may find the following resource interesting:
FIREWOOD - if you need it, there are sources within the church. Please contact the office .
FOOD BASKETS - Help us support the Auburn Interfaith Food Closet. Always needed: canned fruits and vegetables, chili, tuna, chicken, and peanut butter. Collection baskets are near the ramp entrance.
Sunday's Scripture
Mark 9:14-29
Bible Study - All are welcome. Thursday mornings, 9 am in the Wheaties Box. Come join us!
Adult Ed - Drop-ins ok / come as you are able. Sundays before worship (9-9:45 am); Wheaties Box.
It's going to get cold again at Tahoe so we're asking everyone to go through their closets and drawers, pull out their coats, jackets and heavy sweaters for donation (adult and children sizes). Check thrift shops, too. When told the destination and purpose of the clothing, thrift shops may offer a discount or make a donation. Put them in tightly tied trash bags. The folks at Tahoe will be making sure the items remain bagged. Questions or suggestions? Please call the office. FLC Drop Off Dates:Saturday, October 19 and Sunday morning, October 20 Time:10:00 am Saturday through 11:00 am Sunday Location: Dave's truck will be in the church parking lotnear the Wheaties Box. What: Coats, Jackets and Sweaters: Clean, bagged and securely tied. How: Throw your bag in the back of the truck! Coats 4 Tahoe has been a stewardship project at Faith for many years in an interfaith and community outreach collaboration with Christ the King Lutheran Church in Tahoe City, other churches and local organizations. The clothing and donated personal items are distributed freely to those families and individuals in need, including the many immigrants who are working in the area hotels, restaurants and other venues in the service industry. As of December 2023, over 17,000 coats and jackets have been distributed to adults and children over the years. Last year we delivered a truckload of bags collected from Faith. They are greatly appreciated
We'll be delivering the clothing to CTK Lutheran Church on Sunday, October 20. The distribution will be at Kings Beach Community Center on October 26.
SAVE the DATE Conversations with Pastor John Saturday October 26 Walk for Rwanda event
Peace Lutheran - Grass Valley
Pr. John Rutsindintwarane, formerly the General Secretary of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda (LCR), now serves as Executive Director of PICO Rwanda (an Affiliate of Faith in Action International), a pioneering community organizing and leadership development organization. He focuses on helping Rwandans put their faith in action to build sustainable communities and congregations. Raised in exile in a refugee camp in Tanzania, Pr. John was ordained in 1994 and established the LCR in 1995 in the wake of the Rwanda genocide. Dedicated to national reconciliation and development, PICO Rwanda is empowering Rwandans to overcome poverty and isolation. For the past fifteen years, Pr. John has been building leadership teams in rural villages who organized their people to build schools and health clinics, repair roads, and bring water and electricity to their villages. Faced with drought and floods, leaders are now organizing to address climate change. Seeing success in Rwanda, faith leaders in Ghana, Tanzania, Namibia, and Kenya are building efforts using the Faith in Action bottom-up, grassroots organizing methods.