The Gathering Inn South Placer is a family emergency shelter. It is a nomadic shelter by nature and the guests are hosted by a different house of worship every night that provides shelter and a hot meal. The clean and sober shelter is available to Placer County residents who utilize the Coordinated Entry system at 1-833-3PLACER to generate a referral. The shelter itself offers the chance for the individuals and families it serves to build better lives and sustainable futures in the community. On the Roseville campus, The Gathering Inn offers services including Access to Recovery classes, a Dental Clinic, a medical Clinic that is open to the public every Saturday Morning, a daytime Resource Center with access to supports and computers, bi-weekly adaptive Life Skills classes that address our guest’s individual barriers, Ready to Rent classes, a bi-weekly Clothing Closet that is open to the neighborhood and other agencies, and collaborative case management to address any challenges the guests may have.
In addition to the nomadic shelter, the TGI includes The Gathering Inn Mid Placer housing program that provides shelter and a path toward stability for the homeless men and women of the Auburn area.